Covenant Highschool Students Gets New Eyewear 

students at a field trip

Our students could not hide their smiles during their trip to the vision clinic at Grace Community Church in Detroit. " Today was an extraordinary day as our students were able to receive full eye exams and be provided with stylish frames, which they loved! They also took advantage of blood pressure and hearing checks," says Susan Casadei, our Social Worker at Covenant HS East. She brought to Mr.George's attention that many of our students need eyeglasses. "Because of that, the original email about this eye exam email caught my eye.  I am so glad you were able to help our students take advantage of the opportunity.  It is just another way you and all of us help our students find success." said Mr. George, our Superintendent, in a short thank-you email to Susan.


Schools should ensure that students receive regular eye exams to protect their vision and overall eye health. Eye exams are essential for detecting any vision problems, such as nearsightedness or astigmatism, that may affect a student's ability to learn and perform well in school. Additionally, eye exams can uncover underlying eye conditions or diseases that, if left undiagnosed, could lead to long-term vision problems. By facilitating regular eye exams for students, schools can help identify any visual impairments early on and provide the necessary support, such as corrective lenses, to ensure that students have the best possible opportunity to succeed academically. We are ecstatic to help our students strive for greatness whenever we can. Thank you to Grace Community Church in Detroit for inviting us, and we look forward to participating in more of their community events.